Science Communication Strategies for a Changing Lake Superior

This Virtual Learning Series was held between January-May 2021. All events were offered at no cost to participants. 


This learning series provided opportunities for Lake Superior coastal decision makers to build science communication skills and tell meaningful stories about their work. Hosted by the Lake Superior Reserve’s Coastal Training Program and the Lake Superior Collaborative, this series was designed to help participants gain confidence in their communication skills regardless of their professional affiliation or specific line of work.

Delivery formats

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and ongoing public health concerns in Winter and Spring 2021, this series was created for an entirely virtual audience through a combination of Virtual Workshops and Webinars. Virtual Workshops provided participants with opportunities to actively build their skills, apply science communication best practices to their own work, and become more confident in their ability to deliver effective messages to different audiences. Webinars included expert presenters including professional communicators, journalists, and climate outreach specialists who shared their perspectives on what it takes to effectively communicate a science-based message. These webinars gave participants the opportunity to ask expert presenters questions in an interactive virtual space.

Event Descriptions & Recordings*

* Note that not all events in the series were recorded.

Virtual Workshops

add event feed w shortcode “scicomm-workshop”


add event feed w shortcode “scicomm-webinar”