This page contains instructions and information for all Summit presenters, including oral presenters, networking sessions hosts, poster presenters, and artists. If you are presenting at the Summit, please review all of this information in preparation for the event.
Don’t forget to register! All presenters must register for the Summit (students are free). You can find all Summit information and a link to register for the event at Registration closes on February 26, 2025. The Summit will be held March 4-6, 2025 at UW–Superior’s Yellowjacket Union.
Oral Presentation
Your oral presentation will be offered as part of the Summit program in the Great Room of the Yellowjacket Union of UW-Superior. The Summit has a one-track agenda with no breakouts and one shared stage. People with many different backgrounds and connections to the estuary will be in attendance, with anywhere from 100-250 people in the audience.
Next Steps:
- Make sure you are available to attend the Summit March 4-6th, and that you register for the event. A final agenda will be posted to the Summit website in February. All talks are being delivered live this year.
- Upload your presentation to this Google Form as powerpoint (.ppt) no later than February 28 using the file naming convention presenterlastname_talklength (ex: Reinl_10min).
Additional details:
- Please refer to your abstract submission or check the draft agenda when it has been posted to confirm whether you are presenting for 10 or 15 minutes.
- Your presentation time does not include time for Q&A. So, if you are giving a 10-minute presentation, you will have a full 10 minutes to speak to the audience. All presenters will then have an additional 5 minutes for Q&A.
- If you are including video with sound in your presentation, all recordings must have closed captioning. This can be done using PowerPoint, but you can feel free to use other tools or services. Powerpoint: real-time captioning while recording or added after recording.
- We encourage all presenters to include a map as part of their presentation to geographically orient the audience. Inclusion of a map helps ensure that all audience members will know the places you discuss in your presentation.
- For a collection of resources on making effective oral presentations, check out this link.
- Following the Summit, all abstracts will be published in a St. Louis River Summit Proceedings and will be made available at this link with a DOI for citation: St. Louis River Summit Proceedings.
Networking Sessions
Networking Sessions will be held concurrently from 3:30-5:00 PM on Wednesday, March 5th.
Networking Session hosts will be contacted in January by the Summit organizers to ascertain specific needs and expectations for their session. Each Networking Session will be assigned a breakout space determined by facilitation requests and registration. Networking Session hosts are responsible for bringing all materials and supplies needed for their session. Please contact Summit organizers by February 20 to discuss specific questions about the session itself or the facilities available.
Poster & Art Presentations
The Poster & Art Session will be held from 4-6 PM on the evening of Tuesday, March 4th. Posters and artwork can remain on display through the end of the day on Wednesday, March 5.
Drop off and set up: Posters & Art will be on display on the first floor atrium of the Yellowjacket Union. This space is located downstairs from the oral presentations happening throughout the day in the Great Room on the second floor.
You are responsible for bringing your poster and/or artwork to the display area and getting it set up by the start of the Poster & Art session (4:00 PM on March 4). You are welcome to bring your poster/art as early as 12:00 PM on March 4 (when check-in opens) to get it set up. Posters and artwork can remain on display for all of March 4 & 5. We will be taking down the display space at 5:00 PM on March 5 and ask that you take your poster/art home at this time.
The dimensions of the magnetic poster display boards are 4’ wide x 2.5’ tall. Note: this is not a standard poster size. Ideally posters should not exceed the dimensions of the board, but posters that are taller than the height of the board are likely to be fine.
The display boards are magnetic. Strong magnets will be supplied for holding up posters, but note that thick, inflexible material is not recommended and may not be able to be displayed. Staff will be available to assist with set up before the programming begins and during breaks.
For the first time at the Summit, we are offering a poster presentation workshop! This virtual session, designed to help poster presenters prepare and feel confident before the event, will be held on February 20. All presenters are welcome to register and attend. See details and sign up below.
For a collection of resources on making effective posters, check out this link. Here are some more resources on how to give a compelling presentation (Link 1, Link 2, Link 3). You may consider including a headshot on your poster so that attendees can find you if they would like to discuss your work.
Students: Summit organizers will be available during the Poster & Art Session to answer questions and provide any needed assistance.
SLR Summit Poster Presentation Workshop
Thursday , February 20, 2025
5:00 pm to 6:30 pm via Zoom
Attention poster presenters of the St. Louis River Summit: There will be a free poster presentation workshop hosted by representatives of the Lake Superior Reserve and Lake Superior Research Institute on February 20 via Zoom from 5:00-6:30 pm. Some of the topics we’ll cover include making an effective poster to convey your unique message and tips for presenting on the day of the poster session. There will also be ample time to ask questions or receive feedback on your poster if you wish.
Please fill out the Google Form to register for the workshop, and a Zoom link will be provided to you once registered. If you have any questions regarding the workshop, please direct them to Callie Grones (Lake Superior Reserve) at
Additionally, if you would like to receive minor feedback on your poster outside of the workshop, please email Maggie Brown (Lake Superior Research Institute) at with any questions.
The Poster & Art Session will be held from 4-6 PM on the evening of Tuesday, March 4th. Posters and artwork can remain on display through the end of the day on Wednesday, March 5. Please use your discretion as to whether you wish to leave your artwork overnight or unattended in the Yellowjacket Union, which is a high-traffic public space on a university campus. The Summit and its affiliated organizers are not liable for damage or harm done to art pieces while on display at the Summit.
All displaying needs for art must be confirmed with Summit organizers before the event via email and will be ready for you at your assigned location (provided upon arrival). Summit organizers will contact all artists in February to make these arrangements. Please reach out if you have not confirmed art display resources by Feb 10.
Other Information: You are welcome to provide additional handouts, information for selling art, or other supplementary materials so long as they fit in your display area. You may consider including a headshot with any handouts so that attendees can find you if they would like to discuss your work. You are not required to remain with your art during the Art & Poster Session, but can feel free to do so if you choose.
Registration: If you only plan to attend the Art & Poster Session you do not need to register (Note: you may still bring your art early for display even if you choose this option). If you would like to participate in other elements of the St. Louis River Summit, you do need to register. We encourage you to take a look at the draft schedule attached to this email to see what programming will be available.