River Talk Series Postponed

March 30, 2020

The River Talk series is postponed until further notice due to concerns to our speakers and guests related to the COVID-19 virus. This series of informal talks about the St. Louis River Estuary relies heavily on audience participation. The states of Wisconsin and Minnesota are advising people to remain home. Postponing the talks better suits the series’ interactive community-based mission.

The priority of the organizers from the Lake Superior National Estuarine Research Reserve and the Minnesota and Wisconsin Sea Grant programs is the safety and well-being of our communities.

If you missed a past talk, visit the River Talk web page. Click on the talk title for a blog post summary.

The staff at the Reserve and Sea Grant programs are telecommuting and can be reached by email and phone. Stay safe, stay well, stay connected, everyone!


Deanna Erickson

Reserve Director


(715) 399-4086