Rivers2Lake Education Program Accepting Teacher Applications
April 22, 2019
Rivers2Lake, a dynamic education program that helps teachers integrate Lake Superior into curriculum, is accepting applications. To apply, visit the Rivers2Lake website at www.rivers2lake.org to download a flyer and application. Applications are due by May 1, 2019. Educators in any subject or grade level are eligible to participate. In 2019, the program is particularly seeking applications from teachers in grades 3-5 in the Superior School District and those who teach in northern Wisconsin in the Lake Superior watershed.
Teachers participate in the Rivers2Lake Summer Institute from August 6th through 9th 2019, where they learn about Lake Superior and the St. Louis River from scientists, resource management agencies, and tribal experts, along with place-based and outdoor learning methods. During the year, education staff at the Lake Superior National Estuarine Research Reserve in Superior, WI and the Superior Rivers Watershed Association in Ashland, WI provide support and co-teaching in Rivers2Lake classrooms bi-monthly. Staff help teachers find and create the resources they need to meet and exceed educational standards using Lake Superior as an integrating context year round.
Through competitive grant funding, the Rivers2Lake program offers benefits to teachers and schools. Funding covers bus transportation, on-water learning experiences, student admission to the Great Lakes Aquarium and the Lake Superior Estuarium, classroom resources and an honorarium of $500 for successful participation. A multi-year evaluation of the Rivers2Lake program demonstrated that the program significantly increased student academic engagement and teacher confidence in using place-based learning.
The Lake Superior National Estuarine Research Reserve is one of 29 Reserves in the United States. The research and outreach program is based at UW-Superior and operated by the University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension with leadership from NOAA. The Reserve encompasses over 16,000 acres along the St. Louis River freshwater estuary and operates the Lake Superior Estuarium exhibit hall open to the public on Barkers Island in Superior.
Reserve Director
(715) 399-4086