The January 11 River Talk features a presentation from Evan Larson, University of Wisconsin-Platteville and Melonee Montano, Red Cliff tribal member and University of Minnesota graduate student. It will be held in-person at the Lake Superior Estuarium (3 Marina Dr., Superior, Wisconsin) and also by Zoom. Evan and Melonee will describe a collaborative project that is bringing information from tree rings and oral history together to understand how the Anishinaabeg people used fire to tend the landscape and how the return of fire can contribute to both
cultural and ecological restoration.
To attend virtually, use the Zoom information below:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 928 3294 0429
Passcode: 916352
One tap mobile
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+13017158592,,92832940429# US (Washington DC)
Link to facebook event for this talk
The Lake Superior Estuarium is an indoor, accessible venue with two single-user accessible restrooms. Speakers will use microphones. If there are additional accommodations that will improve your experience at this program, please contact Luciana Ranelli, Education Coordinator, via phone at 715-399-4085 or email at
River Talks is an annual free, informal speaker series about the St. Louis River Estuary in Duluth-Superior and a cooperative project between Wisconsin Sea Grant and the Lake Superior National Estuarine Research Reserve. Other River Talks will be held Feb. 8, March 8, April 12 and May 10, 2023. The March talk will be held in conjunction with the St. Louis River Summit and the date may change. For more information, visit the River Talks page: